Seems like only yesterday we finished reading Sen. Barko Bama’s book, The Audacity of Hope.  It was a lot of words. 
Soon after we read Sen. Bama’s book, he declared his candidacy for President.  Lots of citizens thought he was crazy & laughed . . . loudly.  Mixed heritage.  Poor side of town.  Broken home.  Teen-aged mother.  Absentee father.  What kind of a name is Bama? 
I’ve said it before & I’ll prob’ly say it again in my bloggin’ career. I don’t trust words.  Humans believe words set them apart & above the all other creatures on  A lotta humans, FOXNewshounds, Pundits & Savants, use words to divide & distract & describe how their side is nobler than the other side.  Their cause is juster(ice?).  Their position is righter.
Sen. Bama Mbarked on a journey to convince citizens that he is a creditible candidate for President.  The path of his journey is along the slippery & precarious Information Superhighway.  A lotta words.
In his book, Sen. Obama expressed a strong sense of decency.  Great Todo would be proud to call him Offspring.  He also demonstrated a perspective broad enough to accommodate a wide diversity of issues and desires. 
Sen. Bama’s rhetoric has not changed as he proceeds on his journey along the Information Superhighway & toward the Presidency.  Laughter is quieter.  His speech in TX on the way to the Democratic Convention still demonstrates confidence in his beliefs & abillities, appreciation of the issues that concern voters & a knowledge of the systems & organizations he will have to work with in order to build consensus & help this country accomplish all the goals & ideals it is capable of achieving.
So, Bama’s speech to a TX audience gave me the Audacity to Hope.  That his rhetoric is not empty.  & his words have meaning.  That he has the imagination & diversity to include all citizens & not exclude some just cause of the color of their coat or the number of feet on which they walk.
Great Todo would be proud to call him Offspring . . . I think.
OpalK9 OTJ
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